Last week Billy and Libby were both sick. Libby ran a strong fever for 6 straight days, poor thing! I did everything I could to stay well knowing that we were singing in Nashville soon for the re:create worship conference. I tried everything -sudafed at the mere thought of allergies coming on, vitamins, healthy food, no sugar, no soda, no dairy, saline nasal mists and even the Neti pot. But to no avail! On Monday of this week after taking a kickboxing class I realized that
I was not feeling well at all! The drainage began. On Tuesday we flew to Nashville. On the plane ride my ear decided to go crazy on me and for the rest of the day it felt like someone shoved a plum in my left ear. Not so much fun when you have to sing! But everything went well and we flew home the next day. The flight home didn't help the situation much so I found myself in the doctor's office this morning - yep, on my birthday. Turns out that I have a cold and an ear infection so I've started antibiotics. I had to cancel some of my other birthday plans with friends so I can rest and get well before our next event. But Billy and Libby have made my day very special!
A couple of weeks ago Billy and I were doing some office work and Libby wanted a pen and paper so she could write with us. I have never worked on Libby writing letters. I didn't think she was ready because she rarely wants to draw or color. She's known her letters for a LONG time and knows words that start with each letter. But that did not prepare me for this
delightful surprise! Next thing I knew Libby said, "I for ice" and I looked down and she had written the letter "I". I made a big deal about it and told her how wonderful it was that she could write a letter and then asked if she could write any other letters. She proceeded to write the letter "O" saying "o for oval" and then the letter "E" saying "e for egg" and then the letter "K" for Kelly (her uncle). I was completely blown away!!!! I had never worked on this with her. She just knew how to do it - CRAZY!
So today when Billy handed me my birthday card I saw the most precious thing. Billy had told her what letters to write and all on her own she had written "I Love U". Billy did not help her draw these letters at all! This is amazing - here's proof. It says.... I LO VE U. Do you see it? Not bad for turning 3 this past November! I will cherish this card FOREVER! Her first written words saying "I Love U"! How awesome!
Later, Billy and Libby came home with flowers, pizza and cake. What more can a mom/wife ask for!? Here is a picture of Libby and I. I'm looking pretty rough and she has icing on her lips.
Of course, Lulu is present in our thoughts as I am wearing my comfy Africa t-shirt. We moved up in the waiting line for an infant girl. You can visit our adoption blog to read more about that:
We are now number 8 in line! We could receive a referral as early as March or April. We shall see.
There is more news to share on the horizon (no, I'm not pregnant) but it will have to wait for now. We're keeping this post short so I can finish enjoying my last hours of birthday bliss.
Happy Birthday, Cindy!!! Much love to you from the Smiths, who are VERY excited and anticipating your news.
Happy Birthday! So glad that it was special, despite the cold.
Happy birthday Cindy! I am so impressed with your sweet daughters birthday card for you. So precious!
Happy Birthday!! Libby's card is soo sweet! I am very impressed. You should probably take more credit for it though. I can't imagine what the surprising news is. I just can't wait:)
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