Queen of the Jungle LOVES chewing gum. In this pic she is chomping away as she plays in the airport.
Rise and Shine - It's Easter Sunday! (in a hotel in Villa Rica, GA)
Libby's Easter Attire (the backpack was necessary for happy times!)
Elissa smiles beautifully as she holds Lily and embraces family just moments after landing in San Antonio - after more than 22 hours of travel from China. Elissa - how did you look so beautiful after such a long trip?
Precious Lily! Welcome Home!
We still LOVE American Idol!
Our Sweet Princess!
Just a lovely day on the front porch!
Libby is quite the talker these days. Here are some cute examples:
1. The other day I said to Billy - "Baby, can you help me with this?", to which Libby replied (with some sass), "No momma, his NAME is DADDY!"
2. Libby has learned some sweet words from her daddy's overprotection - so Libby is always telling us to "be careful" about something. If Billy is in the car driving away she'll say, "Be careful in car, daddy. Be careful run errands." After putting her to bed one night she said, "be careful on stairs mommy, be careful watching Amicky Idol."
3. After putting Libby to bed one night I went downstairs and started talking with our company. Libby called out so I went to check on her and she said, "I hear momma." I said, "Do you want me to shut the door?" "No momma." "Well, I'll try to be quiet," I said and then I went on to say some other things. Libby interrupted and said, "Don't calk to Libby, momma. Libby sleeping."
4. Libby is really serious about prayer. She wants to pray before each meal (and several times throughout mealtime). She puts her hands together, squints her eyes, furrows her brow very seriously and rocks back and forth while she prays. Sometimes it's short, sometimes not but every prayer includes, "thank you for help mommy sing, and daddy play guitar and Kevin play drums and hymbals (cymbals) and Isaac have good day. Amen"
In other news, Kyle and Elissa made it home safely! And their sweet Lily is even more precious in person!
We've been in the studio and we continue to work on a short but rich 5 song CD which we hope to have finished and available by the end of May.
Oh - I finished Libby's lifebook and I love how it turned out. And lastly - we updated our Ethiopia adoption blog with info about our paperchase. You can check it out at: http://www.adoptingaria.blogspot.com/
Gotta go, it's getting late.
In Christ,