Can you tell who's who? - Billy (far left) has a goatee. Libby (middle) has almond eyes that turned out way to evil looking! And me (far right) with full lips and eye lashes. Not bad for our first pumpkin carving experience.
Here they are at night:
Actually - after looking at the pumpkins at night it kind of looks like Billy and I are singing and Libby is sitting in the audience with that look thinking "what sneaky thing can I do while my parents are preoccupied".
- Anyway - tonight Libby dressed up like Snow White. Her beauty is so radiant and elegant. I just stop and stare at her sometimes - and this was one of those moments:
Mommy dressed up like one of her Somali friends (and like Dakota, too!)
Once we set up our chairs, candy and pumpkins I realized that we were ready WAY TOO EARLY! So we decided to eat some candy before the night began!
Then daddy came out and joined us right before dark. He loves his little princess!
So - later Billy took Libby out to actually go "trick or treat" and they had fun, but one of my less than brainy neighbors decided to answer the door with a huge knife sticking out of his head with fake blood and all and that really scared Libby. And that's where my big beef with Halloween begins. WHY would any adult dress like that knowing that sweet little 3 year old girls will be knocking on the door for candy? Am I the only one who thinks it's a little thoughtless and certainly unecessary to be so gorey and dark? And then the real question is - did I drop the ball in deciding to participate in the whole thing.... The reason all this is tossing around in my head at this moment is because sweet Libby just woke up drenched in sweat from a bad dream and I'm sure tonights evil characters are the culprit.
Of course, Libby will get over it - but the question is - is it worth it? I'm not asking any of you that question. I'm just asking myself.
I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed meeting some of our neighbors. There are some great families living right around us and even some from different ethnic backgrounds - such as India and Vietnam. Very cool!
On to the other happenings:
Grammy and Papa Boots bought Libby a princess tricycle. She loves it! The wheels recently started squeaking so Billy decided to let Libby help oil them. Is this picture great or what?
Libby and I joined our friend Katie ("chicken") to see some of the Somali girls play at a volleyball game. Libby loves sports and had a blast watching "Tuma" (her name is Fatuma, but Libby leave the "fa" off the name).
Above and below: Libby poses on the "river walk" for the camera. When she gets in a mood like this it is so much fun. She can be a total ham!
Mommy and Libby = Global Girls!
Above and below: I'm working on 2 baskets to donate to the Gala's silent auction. Above is the one I'm called "Devotion with a Global Twist" - it has devotion books, the "One Year Bible", CDs, a coffee mug with hot tea bags, some missions books and a Voice of the Martyrs 2009 calendar. The other (below) is called "The Country Chic Decorator's Book Set Plus". It includes 9 Better Homes and Gardens Books, a clear jar of various buttons, a small jewelry box and some other decor.
The Gala is approaching FAST! I will do a big announcement after the Gala to let you all know how it goes. But I want to share that in honor of Libby and her birthday many of you have donated funds for the Gala and to date the total given is: $870.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We purchased a table (8 seats/table for the Gala- but all the money goes towards the orphans) with $500 of that and we have a couple of options regarding how to use the last $370. One of the options is that we might put some money in with it to purchase a second table. The second table idea came to us when we received a phone call from a friend who is also a Toni and Guy salon technician saying that Toni and Guy employees have all talked about the Gala and among several of those employees they are donating around 15-20 services (cuts, color, styling, etc). Just want to make a note here that while we have had to pull teeth to get other (and yes, I mean Christian) business owners to donate or play some part in this Gala it was a breeze for those at Toni and Guy to make that decision. I'm blown away by their desire to help. Each employee has to make the decision to donate all on their own since they are all on commission and they had no problem with giving their time and services for the cause of orphans. Impressive, to say the least! So - Billy had an idea that when I go to pick up all the certificates tomorrow I should ask if 8 Toni and Guy employees would like to attend the Gala and we will pay for their seats (which is where the 2nd. table comes in). Some of these employees are believers, many are not - but I think they would love to hear about orphans and maybe even hear about the God whose heart is much like theirs for these precious orphans in crisis. It's profound, simple and still surprising how much you run into Jesus when out in the world.
I'll leave it at that. Just be praying that if this 2nd. table idea works out that those employees hearts would be touched by what goes on at the Gala and they would feel loved and appreciated for their desire to help out!