Sunday, April 12, 2009

His Power To Save Displayed!

I will keep this short due to sheer exhaustion AND a need to process it all. If you read my last post, you are a little familiar with "Lillie" and I believe you will be blessed by this.... On this amazing Resurrection Sunday, in the presence and aid of my dear friend Terry, during house church and in the room of our daughter not yet known I saw before my own eyes this....."Lillie" became a follower of Jesus by the Spirit's leading alone!  My heart is full! Hope your Resurrection Sunday was a blessed one!

PS - "Chicken" - much of what happened tonight in house church would have been... well.... quite difficult, if not virtually impossible, without your behind the scenes help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Libby loves you and I do too!


Holly said...

OHHH! Clapping! Praise Jesus!

Welcome to the family, dear Lillie.

Unknown said...


Katie said...

Thank you for those words, Cindy! They mean more to me than you know.

As we were singing "The power that raised Jesus Christ from the grave is the power that saves the lost", I claimed those words over Lillie. He heard our cries and answered our prayers!!

Alli said...
