Monday, February 15, 2010

Play Time and Dollhouse Fun


Jenn said...

Love all the pictures!!! Gracie could almost fit in that dollhouse! What I would have done to have had a dollhouse like THAT!

Also love the guitar pics! PRICELESS!!

Love you and your family!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy! You might not remember me, but my husband and I are good friends with Robby and Wendy Hurd and we go to Westhills Church. Just wanted to tell you I love to read your blog and keep up with your sweet family. Your girls are PRECIOUS. We have prayed for you all often and will be praying for your new special prayer request as well. Hope to see yall again soon! Take care.
Laurice Ray

carissa said...

they are such sweet sisters!!! i bet it is beyond adorable watching/listening to them play together. oh, i cracked up when i saw what lib says when gracie enters a room. so darn funny!

Debi said...

Too cute!
Gracie is growing so fast!!
Love to you,

Cristie said...

I LOVE all the pictures! So fun seeing the girls playing together with the doll house! I watch my girls get lost in their imaginary games and always think how awesome it must be to grow up having a full time play mate! So many fun Foote girl adventures ahead!

Marti Pieper said...

You're making me miss my little girls again. But at least I get to relive those experiences through yours.

Only in our case, it was a trumpet held to the lips rather than a guitar in the hands. And Andrew was the child who got the "papoose" treatment as the doctor put stitches in his forehead. Poor Libby. Poor Billy and Cindy.


Kristy said...

Oh my gosh she is too cute for words, BUT she is growing toooooo fast!!!

Love and blessings, Kristy